1840 W Arlington Boulevard Unit# 2c, Greenville, North Carolina, 27834

Listing Courtesy of United Real Estate East Carolina, JOANNA HOPKINS


Property Details

Status Active
Price $595,000
Property Type Other
Lot Size 1.09 Acre
Number Of Stories x
Courtesy of United Real Estate East Carolina, JOANNA HOPKINS
Provided By NCMLS
Last checked on NCMLS 9/18/2024 10:04:18 PM
Last Update from NCMLS 9/18/2024 2:41:13 AM
Virtual Tour Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour#2
Tax Year 2023
Year built 0

Address & Directions

Address 1840 W Arlington Boulevard Unit# 2c
City Greenville
State North Carolina
County Pitt
Postal Code 27834
Directions From NC 264-East continue onto Stantonsburg Rd. Turn Right on W Arlington Blvd. Lot is on the left next to Children's Health Services.

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Sign on Property : Yes
Inside City Limits : Yes
Location Type : Mainland
Marketing City : Greenville

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